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September 25, 2005
River Update -- Week 6
I missed a week of updates and wow do we have a lot of FOs!
Agnes finished hers a couple of weeks ago, but now she's thinking about seaming it into a shrug. I like it! Go tell her what you think.
Christine is done and ready to block!
Estee is done but she's waiting for her trip to Venice for a photoshoot. Poor Estee!
Felicia finished up too!
Kirsty WH is done!
Marichan finished up as well!
Yahaira is done and blocked as well.
Moving Along
Anmiryam decided on US 7s as well, but got a little off on one of the repeats and needs to frog.
Brenda is almost done!
Diana would be done except she decided to keep going until she finished up both balls of KSH. She's at 17 repeats and counting!
Kate has done several repeats and is plugging along.
Getting Started
Alison is starting for the third time. Go wish her better luck.
Audrey also likes her River now that she went down a few needle sizes.
Cambria also re-cast on with smaller needles and likes it better too.
Jessica re-cast on and modified the pattern to be stockinette stich lace rather than garter.
Julia is back at it again and is happy with the way it looks this time!
Kim re-cast on and is doing a single repeat instead.
Chart Update
When I made the chart I was supposed to flip it when I was done -- but I didn't. So the chart I posted is inverted. Sorry guys! Here's a new one. A special thanks goes out to Diana for bringing this to my attention.
September 25, 2005 in River Along | Permalink
I finished my River awhile ago, too! I agree with some of the others that it could have been longer. Anyone who is still knitting, I suggest an extra repeat or two of the chart. I regret not doing it when I was making mine.
Posted by: Melissa | Sep 25, 2005 8:40:35 PM
Hooray for Zippo! That will will be just the perfect thing for him to wear on The Cape when you come up. The night ocean breezes are definitely taking on an Autumn chill these days.
Posted by: Kellee | Sep 26, 2005 9:44:26 AM
Yeah for you - it is done. I am sure Paul is quite happy with it.
And that means - you can start another project!!!!
Posted by: lisa | Sep 26, 2005 10:55:45 AM
Congrats on zippo! That is stick-to-it-iveness working for you.
I'm depressed to hear that River will need extra repeats. It's already feeling a little repetitive!
Posted by: Julia | Sep 26, 2005 2:29:35 PM
I'm just finished with my second pattern repeat. River's not very good for football knitting...I had to rip back a few times, but I still love it.
Posted by: Cambria | Sep 26, 2005 2:49:13 PM
Is it too late to join the party? I just found this River Along - I started my River this weekend (am only 32 rows in) with KSH in Liqueur. I'm loving it so far!
Posted by: tine | Sep 26, 2005 10:31:24 PM
hey river chiks! i finished my 12th rep and am debating whether i should just carry on as a few riverettes have done. i may have 1 or 2 reps left in me. i want it to be long enough to wear with the beaded scrunchie like in the pic...but mine doesn't seem as long as the one in the pic. is it just that that chik has really narrow shoulders? or maybe i need to block the heck out of it?? any thoughts?
Posted by: kate | Oct 1, 2005 9:12:03 AM
i'm on my 12th rep...not sure if i should end it now or keep going! any thoughts?
Posted by: kate | Oct 1, 2005 8:30:31 PM
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