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August 16, 2005

River Along It Is!

Alright, it looks like there's enough interest so let's have ourselves a little knitalong!

I'll get the list together and post it on my sidebar tonight. If you left me a comment on the last post then you're in. If you didn't, please leave me a comment here or on the previous post and I'll get you added.

Added later: Here's a link to a PDF of the chart. I intentionally left out all WS rows (they're the even ones). If you look at the pattern you'll see a few different rows for the even rows. It should be pretty easy to figure out if you have the book.

If you find any problems with the chart please let me know!

Answers to a couple of questions:

Start Date Let's make a start date of September 1st, although whenever is absolutely fine. If you're itching to get started now -- go for it! If you can't start until November -- that's fine too! I'll try to post updates once a week, probably over the weekends. If you want to be in the update feel free to email me, although I'll try to visit all your blogs at least once a week (assuming we don't get too big).

How much yarn? The pattern calls for 2 balls of Kid Silk Haze (just under 450 yards)

Curious what it looks like? Kirsty left a comment that she's 3 repeats in, and she posted a few pics on her blog. It's beautiful. She reports it's an easy knit. I can't wait to see it blocked!

If you leave a comment let me know what yarn you'll be using. KSH is gorgeous but I'm sure some of you will be substituting. If we get together a big enough list of substitutions I'll post that as well.

August 16, 2005 in River Along | Permalink


I have leftover KSH in Toffee from my Birch. I'd love to swap with someone for another color so I don't end up with two matching shawls.

Posted by: Jessica | Aug 16, 2005 6:19:15 PM

Me too! Please?

Posted by: Donyale | Aug 16, 2005 6:40:29 PM

Cool, I shall knit along vicariously! A Rowan LACE pattern?! Not for this newbie (at least one that hasn't been thoroughly tested among trusted bloggers).

Posted by: Colleen | Aug 16, 2005 7:56:24 PM

i just got my rowan mag in the mail with free kidsilk haze (enough for the shawl!) so i'm in!! this time lace will not conquer me, i will conquer it, and end up with a pretty shawl in the end!!!!

Posted by: kim | Aug 16, 2005 10:19:31 PM

I want to join! I'm still waiting for my Mag to come in the mail, hopefully it'll get here soon.

Posted by: Jessica | Aug 16, 2005 10:27:23 PM

You are a doll, Jody! Thanks for charting the lace...it makes life SO much easier!

Posted by: Felicia from sweetgeorgia | Aug 16, 2005 10:50:53 PM

You are tempting me!! First with Butterfly and now with this. If there only could be more hours a day so I at least could knit 8 of them. Then I could join your KAL and knit beautiful lace all day. (note to self: must finish Gemma first and then start Rouge. Don't even think about starting another project....)

Posted by: Carina | Aug 17, 2005 2:38:27 AM

I'd love to join. As you can guess from my blog name "knit-along..." I've been dieing to get into one! and I'm ready to move on to something in mohair.

Posted by: Cambria W | Aug 17, 2005 8:49:16 AM

Please add me to the River-along. I am a huge fan of Sharon Miller, and can't wait to get this stole started.

Posted by: Kristy | Aug 17, 2005 12:32:20 PM

can I join? I need to get some yarn, but if the start date isnt till Sept 1 then I have time right? Now I have to decide what color to do this in....

Posted by: yahaira | Aug 17, 2005 12:58:35 PM

Oh, I'd love to join! Please sign me up (I don't have the mag or yarn yet but I'll try to get by the 1st!)

Posted by: marichan | Aug 17, 2005 1:06:27 PM

Any more room for another knitter? :)

I recently joined Rowan's International Membership, so I have my book and yarn (from the free gift) and am ready.

Posted by: Liz | Aug 17, 2005 1:15:20 PM

Hey girl! Count me in on the River Along. I started before you announced the along, so I'm a little ahead of the game, but knowing me that won't last!

Posted by: Julia | Aug 17, 2005 2:30:24 PM

Ok, me too. Can't resist a good lemming rush LOL I might have to spring from some KSH for this one...two balls won't break the bank, right? (n'ermind the other yarn that will just happen to jump into my bag)

Thank goodness you charted this; I was going to totally skip it because of the lack of a chart!

Posted by: Sheree | Aug 17, 2005 4:59:39 PM

Jody - I want to play, too!! I'm using KSH in Blushes (583). It looks like a perfect project...I'm craving lace and KSH!!

Posted by: Jackie | Aug 17, 2005 6:07:05 PM

Me, too, please! I'm using KS Haze in Candy Girl.

Posted by: Chrissy | Aug 17, 2005 6:32:48 PM

Oh, me too, me too! I fell in love with River when I purchased #38! I just need to decide on a yarn purchase...

Posted by: Marisa | Aug 17, 2005 10:17:17 PM

Hi there - I am using Crystal Palace Kid Merino -
it has 240yds to 25gms...I've looked at both of them "in the flesh" - almost identical except KSH has the silk sheen to it...otherwise a good cheaper option.

Posted by: Donni | Aug 18, 2005 10:45:06 AM

Add me to the Riveralong. I'll be using the new Kidsilk Spray in Medici (blue).

Posted by: liz | Aug 18, 2005 10:54:33 AM

Count me in!!! I'm going to use the Kidsilk Haze I got with my membership for it. And thanks for providing a charted version...that's really great of you and I will certainly be using that!

Posted by: Eklectika | Aug 18, 2005 11:25:13 AM

If there's still room, may I join in the river along? I am lacing my way toward esctasy. Hopefully.

Posted by: NYCMouse | Aug 18, 2005 11:49:13 AM

Thanks - count me in...
Thank God Summer is almost over - i will be able to: update my blog with pictures and start knitting with mohair again !! hihi

Posted by: SamLaTricoteuse | Aug 18, 2005 12:31:27 PM

May I join in??? Just got the pattern yesterday. I'm working on Birch, but this is my next KSH project.

Posted by: Melissa | Aug 18, 2005 2:01:35 PM

May I join? I started last week, and I am now 3 repeats in, using KSH Lord.

I was starting to wonder if anyone else was doing this stole!

Posted by: Heather G | Aug 18, 2005 3:53:22 PM

ok, count me in...I don't know when, or how...or if I should put down my christmas knitting and start...oh I will knit it though, I will.

Posted by: Carolyn | Aug 18, 2005 6:03:11 PM

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